Thursday, May 18, 2023With so much information about homeowners insurance floating around the internet, it’s easy to jumble it all up. But it’s important to know exactly what you’re buying before signing on the dotted line. This article discusses five of the most common misconceptions about homeowners insurance that people frequently mix up. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 14, 2023Maybe your old set of wheels has given up, and it is time to buy a new vehicle. Cars are useful, but they’re also expensive. Therefore, before you buy, you need to prepare to spend significant money over your car’s lifetime. Don’t take buying a new car lightly. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 14, 2023Have you been on the fence about buying life insurance? On one hand, it’s a great way to ensure your family’s financial security. On the other hand, it’s an investment that doesn’t directly affect your own life. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 2, 2023Farming can be a volatile occupation, with constant changes in technology and finances impacting farmers as much as the changing weather. As such, farmers must often tweak their business model to keep up with the technological and financial demands of current times. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 5, 2023How many hours a day do you sleep? Do you get enough or wake up each morning refreshed and ready to go? For many people, that’s not the case. Rather, it is more common for individuals to struggle through those first few hours of the day longing to be back in bed for a few more hours. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 7, 2022Farm insurance is designed specifically to cover the dangers an agricultural business may face day to day, from crop damage and cattle death to lawsuits. The cost of this insurance is hard to pinpoint, as premiums vary depending on several factors such as your location, size of the farm, coverage limits and more. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 1, 2022Smoking is bad for your health. This is a fact that everyone knows thanks to plenty of scientific research that links cigarette usage to serious illnesses such as heart disease, emphysema, stroke and cancer. But lighting up can cost you much more than just your health. In fact, it costs you money—and lots of it. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 7, 2022It's never a pleasant thing to think about how your death will affect your family, but it's a necessary step in making sure they are provided for if the worst were to happen. One of the decisions that you need to make is the size of your life insurance policy. How do you know how much insurance you need? READ MORE >>
Friday, September 2, 2022All businesses have certain risks. From the moment you begin manufacturing products, hiring employees, or offering services to customers and clients, someone might sue you. In order to protect yourself and your business from these lawsuits, there’s business insurance. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 12, 2022The more you know about home insurance, the better equipped you'll be to navigate it. Here are five things you might not know on the subject: Some dog breeds raise your premiums more than others. Dog bites tend to cost insurance companies around $30,000 on average. READ MORE >>
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